Monthly Archives: April 2011

April projects and a new website!

We have finally finished and launched  my new look website! I’m very excited about it, but its early days. Any comments on improvements do let me know. It was developed by the brilliant tombh web developer.  The photos  of me … Continue reading

Ben Hur – Whats On Stage

With the luxury of an enormous cast, this production effectively reproduces the epic scale of the story, and creates some spectacular visual effects using every element of the ingeniously designed modular settings (by Karen McKeown and Hayley Grindle) and, at times, the entire … Continue reading

Frozen – British Theatre Guide

“Sita Calvert-Ennals is one of three emerging directors to have been mentored this year by Living Pictures Productions’ acclaimed directors training initiative. Staged as part of the Sherman’s Directors Week, Frozen certainly marks out Calvert-Ennals as talent worth nurturing. Bryony … Continue reading

Richard Corgan – Actor

incredible vision and infectious enthusiasm

Richard Corgan – Actor

Sita is one of the most free thinking and passionate directors I have ever worked with. The rehearsal process was always challenging and productive with an emphases on discovery which lead to us building a very organic and personal production. … Continue reading